The 18th UK-CARE Annual General Meeting held in Cambridge was very successful! More than 70 people registered and attended the AGM;
there were nearly 10 temporary participants.
One of three non-Chinese participants provided a poster presentation. Each session of the AGM went very well and smoothly.
This was an excellent opportunity for academic exchange,
developing potential collaborations, expanding the network in the areas of resources and environment between the UK and China.
While 18th UK-CARE AGM at Cambridge is memorable, we are expecting to meet you again next year at the UCL.
主席致辞 · Words from the Chair
Dear UK-CARE members,
A warm welcome to all the members to Cambridge. I am very glad to have over 70 attendees to join this year’s UK-CARE Annual General Meeting (AGM). We also want to give special welcome to the 26 delegates from the Jilin University, travelled from the mainland China to join our AGM.
The UK China Association of Resources and Environment (UK-CARE), founded in 2000, is a non-profit international organisation. It aims to promote the international collaborations to realise the sustainable development and management of the resources and environment. Our association has been continuously growing up in the past 18 years owning to great efforts and contribution from all of you, the UK-CARE members, especially for the UK-CARE committee members and officers. It worth noting that the UK-CARE could not have gone this far without the important and continuous support from the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy in the UK.
It is my great honour to be elected as the new Chair of this extraordinary association. It is a rare privilege and a great responsibility. In the past year, the UK-CARE Office has been formed; the standardisation of our association has been improved; our new logo has been designed via a logo competition; our new website (https://www.uk-care.org/) has been developed; our new WeChat public platform (DearUKCARE) has been created; the ideas for the UK-China scientific collaborations have been collected; and more to come. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks those who have generously contributed to the development of the UK-CARE. I hope that more could join our UK-CARE Office to witness the bright future of our association.
The first Secretary Xiaoping Hu, Education Section, Chinese Embassy in the UK
'The Current Situation and Opportunities of Education Exchanges between China and the UK'
Secretary Junyao Tan, Science and Technology Section, Chinese Embassy in the UK
'An impromptu speech about Science and Technology cooperation between China and the UK'
专题报告 · Keynote Speeches
Air Quality in the UK & China – Where is the Future?
Dr Xiangyu Sheng, Capita plc
Soundscape Indices
Prof Jian Kang, University College London
学术演讲 · Oral Presentations
Presentation List
1. Probabilistic Soil Moisture Thresholds for Landslide Occurrence Based on Hydrological Model Simulation
Binru Zhao, University of Bristol / Hohai University
2. Establish Urban-Level Geometric Models for Urban Climate Research
Wenbo Wang, University of Reading
3. Analysis of the Economic Impact of Natural Disasters on Tourism Industry – Case Studies on Cities Threatened by Floods in China
Zhiqiang Wang, University of Bristol / Hohai University
4. Subdivision of China’s Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone for Building Thermal Performance
Jie Xiong, University of Reading / Chongqing University
5. An Uncertainty Investigation of RCM Downscaling Ratios in Nonstationary Extreme Rainfall IDF Curves
Qiqi Yang, University of Bristol, Nanjing Normal University
6. Impact of Shale Gas Development on Water Resource
Hong Yang, University of Reading
7. Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Plume Deflection over Urban Building Obstacle
Shuo-Jun Mei, School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China / School of the Built Environment, The University of Reading, UK
8. Analysis of the Transportation Accessibility in China and Some Suggestions to Improve the Transportation System
Yutong Peng, University of Nottingham
9. Modelling the Sound of Traffic Flow Soundscapes for Auralisation
Yang Fu, University of York
10. Analysis of Moisture Buffering Effect of Straw-Based Board in Underground Shelters by Field Measurements and Numerical Simulations
Luyang Shi, University of Reading / Harbin Institute of Technology
11. Daily Temperature Cycle in a Compact High-rise City Hong Kong and Stone Forest
Kai Wang, University College London
12. Impact of Artificial Lighting at Nighttime on Environment
Qi Yao, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University
海报展示 · Posters
Poster List
Eco-Village Implementation Pathways
Xiaopeng Yue, Hebei University of Technology / Cardiff University
Conservation of Historic Towns of the Yellow River Floodplain Based on the Historic Urban Landscape Approach
Yuan Yuan, College of Architecture of Zhengzhou University /. School of the Geography and Planning of Cardiff University
A New Soil Water and Nitrogen Cycling and Leaching Model (Swan-N)
Shanshan Bao1, Lei Wang2, Hongyan Li1,
1 College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University
2 British Geological Survey
The Passive Design Strategies and Energy Performance of a Net-zero-energy House: Nature Between in Solar Decathlon China 2018
Feng Shi, University of Sheffield / Xiamen University
Element Geochemical Characteristics of Weathering and Pedogenic Process of Volcanic Rocks in Eastern Jilin Province, North East China
Yechang Yin, Libo Hao, Jilong Lu*, Yuyan Zhao, Xiaodan Tang, Yuchao Fan, Weiming Jiang
*Jilin University, Changchun, China
Phase Change Materials for Built Environment
Avvalveer Singh, Mengyan Nie* and Kwang-Leong Choy
*Institute for Materials Discovery, University College London
午餐&交流 · Lunch & Social Communication
评奖环节 · Best Student Presentation Award
Miss Binru Zhao and Mr Zhiqiang Wang won the Best Student Presentation Award and one Consolation prize was awarded to Mr Jie Xiong.
The prizes include the Award Certificates, Stephen Hawking's My Brief History (Chinese and English versions); in particular, the British Geological Survey, who is the sponsor of the prizes for the two winners of the Best Student Presentation Award in the 18th UK-CARE AGM, provided two rare minerals: yellow crystal stone and sliced agate.
合影留念 · Group Photograph
Next year · The 19th UK-CARE AGM @ University College London!
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