18th UK-CARE Annual General Meeting
7 October 2018 • Sunday • Cambridge

Announcement: Call for Abstracts
1. UK-CARE and the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The UK China Association of Resources and Environment (UK-CARE), founded in 2000, is a non-profit international organisation. It aims to promote the international collaborations to realise the sustainable development and management of the resources and environment. Its long-term mission is to provide a platform to promote the collaboration between universities, research institutes and companies in the UK and China, to realise the sustainable development and management of environment and resources in the countries. China has enjoyed a rapid economic growth over the last 30 years, and past experience and recent Government's strategic announcement in developing western parts of the country have indicated environmental protections will play an important role in a sustainable development of China's economy. Links between UK and China in environment areas are developing at a fast pace, particularly in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces thanks to the Chunhui scheme of the Ministry of Education, China. The UK-CARE was established to further strengthen these links. The UK-CARE has participated in several environmental projects in Chongqing and Kunming, and four research proposals are currently in consideration for financial support from Yunnan Science and Technology Department. More detailed information can be found on the official website at https://www.uk-care.org/. The 18th AGM in Oct 2018 is now calling for abstract.
2. The Themes of AGM 2018: Resources and Environmental Collaboration in the "Golden Era" of Sino-British Relations.
Environmental and resource relevant topics include, but are not restricted to:
Ecological system
Energy systems
Environmental monitoring and analysis
Flooding and drought mitigation
Green Buildings and Eco-cities
Health and wellbeing
Hydrological and hydrogeological modelling
Low carbon design and planning
Mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change
Natural hazard assessment and risk management
Pollution remediation and noise control
Soil Science
Sustainable development and the built environment
Urban mobility and traffic management
Waste management and recycling
Water pollution
Water resource management
3. Venue and time
Venue: Cambridge. Details will be confirmed later.
Time: Sunday 7 October 2018. Details will be confirmed later.
4. Form of the AGM
Keynote presentations, oral presentations, posters (it depends) and discussions.
Language: English (Chinese if necessary).
5. Best Student Presentation Award
Two Best Student Presentation Awards will be given. A panel of academic members judges the student oral presentations (in English) against a set of criteria, such as research design, novelty, and delivery quality.
6. Lunch and Refreshment
A Chinese buffet lunch and refreshment will be provided to all the registered attendees free of charge.
7. Travel subsidy
Limited funding will be made available to subsidise attendees’ partial travel expenditure. Those who are going to make an oral presentation in the AGM will be given a priority to reimburse their travel expenses. All other registered attendees may be able to get a partial reimbursement of their travel cost depending on the amount of the fund remaining and the number of applicants. The subsidy will be decided based on the amount of funding, the number of applications and the practical needs. UK CARE reserves the right of final decision on the subsidy scheme.
8. Registration and submission
If you are interested in giving an oral presentation, please first submit an abstract (no more than 300 words) to: ukcareoffice@gmail.com. Please be noted that the submission of an abstract will be optional since some organisations may not want to publish the detailed information in the proceeding. Each attendee should not submit more than one abstract as the first author. Submitting an abstract/paper is not an essential condition to attend the AGM. Full paper can be submitted after the meeting.
Registration and/or Submission of Abstract: Before 17:00, Monday 24 September 2018 (please notify the organisation where you are studying or working)
Notification of Acceptance: Before 24:00, Monday 1 October 2018
Submission of PowerPoint presentation: Before 17:00, Saturday 6 October 2018
9. 2018 AGM Organisation
Chair, Dr Lei Wang
Prof Dawei Han
Prof Runming Yao
Dr Xiangrong Jian
Prof Jian Kang
Dr Xiangyu Sheng
Prof Xinghui Xia
Mr Yiheng Chen
Ms Yuanyin Li
Dr Lai Jiang
For enquiry, registration and abstract submission:
10. Support
Chinese Embassy (Education Section)
Attachment: Call for Abstract